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1/64 Datsun 12000 Ute Late Sunny Truck (GB122/Red/Stock Factory Style)

660 ¥JPY (Including Commission)
(Excluding fee 600 ¥JPY)
Out of stock

x1 1/64 Nissan Sunny Truck GB122 Red.
x1 Gacha Capsule.

This is the mini-model car which reproduced a  Long body of DATSUN 1200 Ute(Domestic models) and customs made specification.

Can you see the small details parts?
1. Front grill.
2. Front & Rear bumpers.
3. Late Sunny Truck Details.
4. 4 Wheels are Speed Star MK-I and low down specification.
* Right Handle Drive
Car details-------------------------------------------------------
Nissan Sunny Trauck.
Late models: 8910 - 9403.
A12 motor installed.
Very lightweight Track in Nissan.

Lengthwise and Crosswise: 65-23mm.
Converter mm-inch

TOYS CABIN (https://toyscabin.com/)

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